How do the pension benefits change in the event of deferred retirement?

How do the pension benefits change in the event of deferred retirement?

Deferred retirement increases your retirement benefits. This applies in particular if the pension plan continues to allow retirement savings to be made (the risk benefits of death and disability cannot continue to be insured).

However, even if no further payments are made, your retirement benefit will increase: For every month you work longer, the conversion rate increases by 0.012 per cent.

If inability to work occurs during this period, there is no entitlement to disability benefits, but there is an entitlement to the retirement benefit that is still insured. In the event of death, the insured person's dependents are entitled to a survivors' pension. If the survivors' pension capital is greater than necessary to finance the pensions, the surplus is paid out as a lump sum.

If you are considering working beyond the regular retirement age, you should discuss this with your employer at an early stage. Deferred retirement must be reported to the pension fund in writing no later than 2 months before reaching retirement age.

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