How to proceed: report a deferred retirement

Deferred retirement

Later retirement

Women and men may remain in gainful employment after reaching ordinary retirement age, but not after the age of 70. If it is provided for in their pension plan, then they can still make contributions toward their pension. However, it is not possible to continue the insurance of risk benefits (death and disability). It is possible to defer retirement if gainful employment is continued.

This is how to proceed as an employer

Your employees can defer retirement for up to five years after reaching ordinary retirement age in the pension fund and can continue to build up additional retirement assets.
However, it is not possible to continue the insurance of risk benefits (death and disability).

There are two options for deferring retirement:

  1. The time of retirement is deferred.
  2. Your employee takes partial-retirement; the workload can be reduced in up to three partial steps and each partial step must account for at least 20 %. Since cantonal tax authorities impose higher minimum stages in specific cases (e.g. the Canton of Zurich imposes a minimum stage of 30%), we recommend that you consult your tax authority.

Please report your employee's deferred retirement by email to


Deferred retirement can be either with or without the continuing payment of savings contributions. However, deferred retirement where the employee remains liable for contributions may require an adjustment to the pension plan.