BVG makes up the lion's share of retirement provision – but most people are unaware of this
Half perceive BVG contributions as a fee or tax
BVG salary percentage as ...
Structuring BVG as a salary deduction weakens the underlying idea
BVG: Importance is systematically underestimated/distorted perception
Ignorance regarding retirement savings capital
BVG is usually not an issue when joining a company
Redistribution is considered unfair by the majority
Is the redistribution of interest from your BVG retirement account unfair?
BVG: more visibility and co-determination
Financial knowledge promotes BVG understanding
Conclusion: Promote understanding, make interrelationships identifiable
It is worrying when the majority of working people do not understand why they pay contributions into the 2nd pillar – and what happens to that money. After all, anyone who wants to take responsibility for shaping their own future needs a basic understanding of the interrelationships in the Swiss pension system. That's why it's important to foster financial literacy at many levels: in schools, at work and through the media.
Broad majority for more visibility
A broad majority of the population, namely more than 70 percent of those surveyed, is in favor of more visibility and communication in occupational retirement provision. This is a great opportunity for committed and sustainably minded employers: For example, when they explain the role of the 2nd pillar at staff on-boarding sessions, they support their employees in shaping their financial lives. At the same time, they can provide transparency with regard to the benefits that they themselves offer and thus successfully position themselves as a responsible company.