At what age should you start planning for retirement?

At what age should you start planning for retirement?

Basically, it is never too early to start planning for old age. However, up to the age of 50, the main thing is to save up as much pension capital as possible. From the age of 50, you can start planning for retirement; from the age of 58, specific plans should be made.

The optimal time to start planning for retirement is very individual, but it should definitely not be put off for too long, as the drop in income after retirement is often underestimated. The earlier you have your personal situation analyzed as part of a retirement strategy, the more time you will have to achieve your financial goals.

Im­pro­ving retirement provision

Pension advice for private individuals

It pays to plan early

Based on an individual pension analysis, we show you how you can plan your retirement provision at an early stage and fill any pension shortfalls. So that you can look forward to the third stage of your life confidently.