In which cases can I withdraw my retirement provision balance prematurely or use it as security?

In which cases can I withdraw my retirement provision balance prematurely or use it as security?

Under certain circumstances you can withdraw your retirement provision balance for home-ownership before retirement or pledge it.

Promotion of home-ownership:

Early withdrawal is possible for the purchase or building of a property for your own habitation, for the amortization/guaranteeing of an existing mortgage, for the acquisition of share certificates in a cooperative or for renovation work. Under 50s can withdraw their entire retirement provision balance; over 50s can withdraw a maximum of half or the amount of the retirement provision balance during their 50th year.


Unlike in the case of the promotion of home-ownership, the retirement provision assets are not paid out in the event of pledging but serve as security for a home-ownership loan with a bank. The pension capital is accessed only if this loan cannot be serviced.

The precise conditions for early withdrawal or the pledging of retirement provision assets are set out in the retirement provision regulation.

Im­pro­ving retirement provision

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