What are the pension regulations for?

What are the pension regulations for?

The pension regulations are in a document in which the basic benefits relating to occupational retirement provision at Vita are listed. In addition to general information, the pension regulations provide information on the prescribed benefits in the event of invalidity/death, the possibility of making a purchase into the pension fund or the encouragement of home ownership. The pension regulations set the guidelines for Vita's occupational retirement provision. What the benefits look like in detail depends on the retirement provision strategy chosen by your employer.

We recommend that you take a detailed look at both the pension regulations and the retirement provision strategy. Especially in the case of a longer employment relationship, the occupational retirement provision represents an important part of the overall package you receive as an employee.

Im­pro­ving retirement provision

Pension advice for private individuals

It pays to plan early

Based on an individual pension analysis, we show you how you can plan your retirement provision at an early stage and fill any pension shortfalls. So that you can look forward to the third stage of your life confidently.