Vita Collective Foundation: New Foundation Board elected

The Vita Collective Foundation Board was newly elected in May 2021. In addition to seven re-elected members, Claudia Zollinger, Managing Director of Antero ImmoTreuhand GmbH, now represents the interests of employers in the Foundation Board. For the first time, more women than men are represented in the most senior decision-making body of the Vita Collective Foundation.

General elections for the Foundation Board of the Vita Collective Foundation took place from 11 to 31 May. The Foundation Board is now composed of eight instead of twelve members. Tanja Siegenthaler (Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG), Maja Lütschg (Verein Stammgemeinschaft eHealth Aargau), Daniel Gianelli (Hochgebirgsklinik Davos AG) and Petra Arnold Schlüssel (GlobalBroker AG) were re-elected as employee representatives and Silvia Rose (Gesellschaft St. Anna Ärzte), Marcel Oertig (Avenir Consulting AG) and Peter Philipp (Flury Stiftung) as employer representatives. Claudia Zollinger (Antero ImmoTreuhand GmbH) will now represent the interests of employers in the Foundation Board of the Vita Collective Foundation. The constitutional meeting of the new Foundation Board will take place on September 9, 2021.

Werner Wüthrich, Managing Director of the Vita Collective Foundation: "I would like to congratulate all board members on their election and wish them a successful time in office."

As the most senior decision-making body, the Foundation Board holds overall responsibility for the management of the foundation. Together, the board members define the strategic goals and principles of the pension fund and decide on action plans. The administration committees of the associated companies newly elect the Foundation Board every four years. The Vita Collective Foundation once again carried out the 2021 elections electronically. The results of the election were verified by the expert for occupational pension provisions.