Vita Collective Foundation strengthens corporate governance

The Vita Collective Foundation closed the 2023 financial year with a net performance of 5.7 percent and a cover ratio of 104.5 percent. Last year, the Foundation strengthened its corporate governance and placed a greater focus on sustainability. In addition to the annual report, the Vita Collective Foundation also publishes its annual sustainability and governance report.

In 2023, the Collective Foundation celebrated its 20th anniversary. The Foundation has long been one of the most important pension funds in Switzerland, and it now manages over 19 billion Swiss francs for its 149,738 insured persons and 7,508 pension recipients. 27,133 companies have entrusted it with their occupational retirement provision. Thanks to the good performance of the investment portfolio in a persistently challenging investment environment, the Foundation closed the 2023 financial year with a pleasing net performance of 5.7%. The cover ratio also developed positively and – with a constant technical interest rate of 1.5% – amounted to 104.5% as at December 31.

Responsible governance

The Vita Collective Foundation places great importance on good corporate governance. It is committed to the highest standards of integrity and transparency, including in its own corporate governance. The Foundation has commissioned SST Vita Dienstleistungs AG to manage the company. Its internal control system (ICS) has been certified since 2021. In 2023, the effectiveness of the ICS was confirmed in accordance with ISAE 3402 Type 2.

Sustainable asset investments

Fair and secure occupational retirement provision for all generations includes investing pension funds assets sustainably. In 2023, the Vita Collective Foundation therefore increased its focus on sustainability aspects when exercising its shareholder voting rights. As a member of the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, it also reported on its objectives and progress for the first time. The reporting fulfills the requirements of Allianz and received "green light" classification.

Further information can be found in the Annual Report, the Sustainability Report and the Governance Report of the Vita Collective Foundation.