How significantly am I personally affected by redistribution?

How significantly am I personally affected by redistribution?

On average, around CHF 100 are redistributed annually from active insured to pension recipients. How high the amount is in your case depends on factors such as the insurance collective, annual salary, age and retirement provision assets saved to date. What applies to everyone: Given the compound interest lost, redistribution means that retirement provision assets will not grow as sharply across your entire professional life as might have been possible.

In the interests of transparency, Vita has set up an online tool that you can use to check how significantly you personally are affected by redistribution. Please note that this tool works with assumptions and average values and so can only provide an approximation.

Employees who are insured via Vita Invest are not affected by unwanted redistribution at all. With this retirement provision solution, the company establishes its own pension fund with its own balance sheet and income statement.